Music is everywhere. It can act as the soundtrack to many aspects of your life whilst it can also be used in many different ways depending on the genre and style used. In any given situation, it can be used to reflect something different and can be used to influence how you react or feel about something.

Ambient music

The presence of ambient music in film and television has long been used as a way to influence how viewers will react to what they see in front of them. Different music and instruments can elicit emotions based on what is on the screen. As an example, think about the low bassline in Jaws. As the music speeds up and increases in volume, it accentuates the sense of tension, alerting the viewer to the real danger that the characters were before they were attacked. It is this effect that music can have as at that point you genuinely feel as if you are part of the film experience, rather than just an onlooker eating overpriced popcorn. Just being able to connect to the characters on an emotional level indicates the influence that music can have in boosting a scene. Looking at montages, you can really understand what the character is going through in the time lapses. Just look at the Rocky films. When Eye of the Tiger hits during the match against Apollo Creed, the fanfare in the background alerted you to the sense that something historical might be on the horizon, and as a result, it leaves you on the edge of your seat in anticipation of what might happen next.

Where else?

It is not just in films where ambient music can have an impact as supermarkets and restaurants use similar ideas in order to help their customers to relax. As a result, the soft music in the background can help to provide a more laid-back vibe, which can lead to the customers spending more time and money or potentially coming back in the future. It is no different in the world of online and mobile casinos, where fast paced music and flashing lights can be used to excite and entice players, enhancing the experience and providing an adrenaline rush. Sites such as utilize this as it can give customers a sense of being inside a real casino, even if they are really lying on a beach or sitting in their kitchen. It can make the experience more enjoyable and replicates a true casino atmosphere.


11It cannot be underestimated how important music can be in setting a scene and getting an audience emotionally involved. Without it, many films would go by as a non-event, and they wouldn’t have the same impact. Music is vital to many aspects of life as it can provide an outlet in times of hardship and concern, as well as in situations where everyone is just having a good time. Knowing how to use it to your advantage is where the true skill lies, though. So next time you sit watching your favorite film, just take a moment to appreciate the soundtrack, as without it, it wouldn’t be the same film at all.