Content warning: This article contains descriptions of alleged sexual misconduct and  alleged sexual abuse of minors.

All Time Low have denied allegations of sexual misconduct that have emerged about band member Jack Barakat. The guitarist has been accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour and sexual abuse towards female fans of the band that allegedly took place when they were minors.

“The allegations being brought against us are absolutely and unequivocally false,” reads a statement written by all four members of the pop-punk group, shared on their Twitter page.

“When a TikTok video gained traction a few weeks ago alluding to inappropriate behavior within our camp, we chose not to respond because of the glaring inconsistencies in the story and the apparent reluctance to mention us by name,” the statement continues.

“We felt that a response would have elevated and escalated an outright lie and in doing so robbed actual victims of abuse of their very real and very important collective voice. We believe victims. We stand with victims. We have only ever wanted to cultivate and nurture a culture around our show and band that is welcoming, healthy, and safe.”

A statement from the four of us.

— All Time Low (@AllTimeLow) October 25, 2021

While not elaborating on the details of the TikTok, a video went viral on the platform earlier this month in which a woman said a “famous pop-punk band” had “let [her] on their tour bus when [she] was 13”. In the video’s comments, the woman said the band “tried to take my bra for their nasty collection [and] offered me beers”.

A different woman has since accused Barakat of sexual abuse that began in 2011, when she was 15 years old, during the band’s tour behind fourth studio album ‘Dirty Work’. “I had no idea that a week after my fifteenth birthday, my hero would take advantage of me,” she wrote.

The woman, who remained anonymous, shared her account on Twitter with the username @ATLstatement, but the profile was soon suspended. Screenshots of the woman’s statement have since been shared on that platform.

Elsewhere in All Time Low’s statement, the band say they are “investigating further the source of these false accusations” and will be “seeking legal recourse”.

“We stand with victims and always wish to amplify the voices and stories of those who have suffered abuse and trauma,” they added. “But we cannot and will not fuel or amplify lies that only cloud and distort the true stories of those who need to be heard and represented.”

Via his personal Twitter account, Barakat retweeted the band’s statement, saying, “I feel the need to personally refute the claims being made against me and us, as they are 100% false”.

For help, advice or more information regarding sexual harassment, assault and rape in the UK, visit the Rape Crisis charity website. In the US, visit RAINN.

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